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4 Things You Should Know If You Haven’t Seen a Dentist Lately

February 8, 2024

A woman receiving a dental checkup

Now that it’s February, your schedule for the new year is likely filling out. You may want to restart some good habits while there’s still time to do so. A fine example is to see your dentist more often if you haven’t visited for a while. That said, perhaps you don’t know what to expect from your long-delayed return. Your Catonsville dental practice is happy to give you a heads-up. So, here’s a primer on what you should know if you haven’t seen your dentist lately.

You’ll Review Your Medical History

When it’s been years since your last dental checkup, you can’t just start treatment at once. You’ll need to review and update your medical history first.

Remember, your body and life change over time. You’ve likely had new illnesses, surgeries, and such during your “break” from dental care. Most dentists need updates on these changes before they can help. Otherwise, they might misdiagnose you or suggest the wrong procedure. These mistakes would only harm your oral health.

You May Need New X-Rays

A long time away from the dentist means your old dental X-rays aren’t accurate anymore. Given that fact, you’ll likely get new ones at your upcoming visit.

Of course, dental X-rays are very helpful for dental practices. They provide a very close-up view of your teeth and the surrounding bone tissue. That means they let dentists detect any oral issues you may have. From there, your dental team can decide on the best treatment for your needs. (The dentist will explain their X-ray findings first, though.)

Your Gums Will Likely Bleed

Even if you brush your smile daily, your gums won’t do well without regular dental care. They’ll likely bleed at the checkup you’re planning.

You see, home oral care isn’t enough to keep gum tissue healthy. There are hard-to-reach spots that your toothbrush and floss will miss. As a result, an extended period without dental visits can lead to inflamed and sensitive gums. While a dental hygienist removes your smile’s plaque, their efforts might cause the tissues to bleed.

The Cleaning Could Take Awhile

Should you go a long time without dentistry, your next dental checkup won’t go quickly. The odds are good that it’ll take a while.

When you don’t see a dentist regularly, your teeth will have a large amount of plaque buildup. A dental hygienist will thus spend more time removing this gunk. If this lengthier cleaning bores you, keep in mind that the process is crucial to your oral health. Your whole grin will be stronger once it’s over.

By grasping the points above, you’ll be ready for dental visits again. Make sure to note them if you haven’t seen your dentist lately!

About the Practice

Advance Dental Clinic is based in Catonsville, MD. Led by the great Dr. Bemani, our practice has a strong emphasis on personal dental care. That means we offer custom preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, as well as emergency dental treatments. Our dental team is ready to handle everything from dental checkups to dental implants! For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (443)-251-5580.